Reformed Church of Locust Valley

When our loved ones leave this life for another life, we experience sorrow at their loss, and also celebrate the life they lived. Our faith teaches that death is not the end. We will accompany you in making arrangements to honor the life and memory of your loved ones.
If you need support managing your feelings and emotions following the death of a loved one or if you would like to make funeral or memorial arrangements, please contact Valerie Siliato via e-mail or by phone at 516.676.6130.

We recognize marriage as an expression of God’s love for us. This love is manifested when couples chose to marry, pledging their love and promising fidelity to each other, as long as they both shall live. When a couple chooses to marry in a church, they make their solemn promises in the presence of God, as well as before their family, friends and community.
Your wedding ceremony, as an act of worship, will acknowledge marriage as a gracious gift from God, placing the primary focus on God's blessing of the covenant being established. For more information about weddings at the Reformed Church of Locust Valley, please contact Valerie Siliato via e-mail or by phone at 516.676.6130.
Life Events
The church is a place where we gather as a community, not only for public worship, but for the celebrations of our lives. Whether it is the occasion of a wedding or a service of remembrance for a loved one, our church is available with open arms and open hearts.

Baptism marks publically the beginning of a life of faith and service and welcomes believers into the body of Christ. It makes the promises of God clearer. This sacrament is a reminder that we are a part of a larger whole – connected to the Triune God and to each other as the community of faith. Baptism sets us apart and marks us as God’s own forever. Equally important is the witness Baptism makes to God’s promise to be our God forever.
Baptisms here are celebrated within the worshipping community on Sunday mornings. We baptize infants, children, and adults because our Reformed tradition believes that God claims us as God’s own before we have words. If you would like to be baptized, or have a child to be baptized, please contact Valerie Siliato at or by phone at 516.676.6130.